Dario Maestripieri's
Psychology Page

                Prospective Ph.D. students interested in studying the evolution of human behavior  
                at the University of Chicago are encouraged to apply to the Ph.D. programs                      
                offered by the Department of Comparative Human Development (faculty:
                Dr. Dario Maestripieri), the Department of Psychology (faculty: Dr. Alex Shaw), or
                the Committee on Evolutionary Biology (faculty: Dr. Dario Maestripieri).
                Research resources:
                The Institute for Mind and Biology
                The Center for Cognitive and Social Neuroscience
                Dario Maestripieri's Behavioral Biology Laboratory
                Alex Shaw's lab

                Courses taught:
                Evolution and Economics of Human Behavior (undergraduate/graduate)
                Evolutionary Psychology (graduate seminar)

                Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology

                Conference: The Evolution of Human Behavior and its Neuroendocrine Regulation                                
                Erice Conference Center, Erice, Sicily (Italy) June 17-22, 2015.